Other works...

2012 - 2014


In September 2012 I joined forces with non-profit community group Friends of Lake Weyba in a bid to save Lake Weyba in Queensland from a massive urban development.  Our aim was to promote the social, cultural and environmental significance of the area through creative acts, a feel-good alternative to activism.


Over the year duration of The Weyba Project my involvement became multi-dimensional as I alternated through the duties of artist, activist, curator, promoter, researcher and artistic director.  The project materialised into a series of local, national and international events, resulting in a campaign that captured the attention and support of the public through beneficial activities.


Exhausted Ideals


Solo exhibition, Kings ARI Melbourne.

7 Feb - 1 May 2014

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Detachment is a necessary evil. Emotion impairs good judgement. The enemy is calculating, cunning and cold. One year to learn the game. One year to beat the corporates.

In a bid to save a doomed lake in Queensland artist Bianca Tainsh joined forces with a throw together army of locals called Friends of Lake Weyba. With the aim of using creativity to power a feel-good form of activism the Friends found themselves in a battle where promotion and public popularity could just vanquish the big dollar clout of a cunning development company.

Exhausted Ideals uses video and installation to revisit a year of unexpected outcomes and personal trials. Utilising documentation Bianca re-presents her project through the eyes of the media, and examines what began as a political agenda but became a game in which lies, defamation and deceit versus arts shows, photo comps and the charms of a good looking environmental scientist.

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Exhausted Ideals

Installation view

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Exhausted Ideals 

Looped video on flatscreen TV with sound 7.40 mins

To view video:

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Headline Timeline - FOLW vs Mantle

196 x 80 x 25cm

Digital print on rag paper, brackets & rods

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Send a Message

40 x 100 x 2.5cm

Custom printed postcards & balsa wood 

The Weyba Project in Germany      Through its introduction to a German audience The Weyba Project took on a whole new life. Its context was transformed as facets of Weyba's dilema resonated with local issues, striking a chord with the Leipzig community and in turn creating a platform for mutual understanding.

Lessons in Value


Solo show for Spinnerei Rundgang, Leipzig, Germany.

21 - 22 Sep 2013

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Immersive installation of interactive sculpture, video projection with sound, interactive internet platform, artist book and digital prints

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The Book of The Weyba List of Species 

Artist book containing text by Bianca Tainsh and images contributed by The Weyba Project participants, and accompaning book of German translated text. 

Dimensions variable

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Colin’s Paradise 

Video projection with sound 8.08 mins

July 2013

The Weyba Project - Leipzig

In conjunction with LIA residency program Leipzig, Germany.

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Uncertain Landscape

220 x 130cm approx.

Plinths, paper & projection of still image.

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Weyba List of Species

Video projection with sound 8.5 mins

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View to a Solution

200 x 160 x 160cm approx.

Recycled materials, timber, paper, card, digital prints & LED lights.

Ongoing Project

The Weyba List of Species

Since March 2013 I have been compiling a list of species for Lake Weyba.  The list has been informed through digital species searches, wildlife experts, the recollections of Weyba locals and vigorous fieldwork.  It covers all creatures from amphibians to spiders and will be a continuing project as more species are added and more images contributed.


The images of Weyba species have been kindly contributed by Weyba locals and visitors.  These images have become 'proof' of Weyba’s natural diversity and the abundance of endangered and threatened species on its shores and within its waters.  This invitation to contribute has also offered a rewarding mode of involvement for the individuals who feel an attachment to Lake Weyba and have felt powerless against its current plight.


The Weyba List of Species was printed and installed for its first public viewing during At One with Weyba in June 2013.  Throughout its exhibition the list was consistently updated with new data and images.


More recently the list was interpreted into video format and as an artist book for my exhibition installtions in Leipzig, Germany in July and September 2013.


In its final stage the list will become a permanent web resource available for public access and educational reference, and open for ongoing contributions of images, recollections and adjustments.


My hope is that along with uniting the community in a beneficial joint project, the list will provide strong evidence of Lake Weyba’s environmental significance, and stipulate the value of protecting it from being commodified for quick-profit, mass urban developments.


June 2013

At One with Weyba - on site

Group exhibition with Johannes Laumer, on site at Lake Weyba, Queensland in association with the Floating Land Festival.

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Storm Observatory   

200 x 100 x 150cm approx.

Rubbish & sand collected from Lake Weyba foreshore, glass table, driftwood and enamel paint.

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The Weyba List of Species Room

Installation of contributed species evidence (feathers, bone, specimens etc.), digital prints and various materials.

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Colin's Paradise   

Video 8.08 mins                                                               

November 2012

The Arts on Weyba

Arts event created on site to showcase Lake Weyba's exceptional landscape and cultural significance through the exhibition of traditional and contemporary Weyba inspired art and a series of en plein air workshops, performances and bushwalks.

Directed & curated by Bianca Tainsh

David Armfield

Hal Barton

Lyndon Davis

Harry Donnelly

Rowley Drysdale

Robyn Fox

Judy Gymgell

Jordan Hoffman

Eugene Howard

Helena Lloyd 

Noosa Botanical Artists – Mollie McCloskey, Helma Maiwald & Gabi Dick

Alan Pearson

Kees Pel

Elizabeth Poole

Luke Cornelis Sands

Gabi Timm